A statue that has stood for well over a century in one of the most liberal enclaves in the county and never seemed to bother anyone before Hillary lost the election is coming down because it has been deemed to be racist by the cultural cleansers.
The city of San Francisco has decided that a monument depicting a Native American along with a Catholic priest and a Spanish explorer is incompatible with the cultural Marxism and eliminationism that the left has espoused since November 2016.
The removal of the “Early Days” statue will cost approximately $200,000 which could be better allocated to fighting crime or cleaning up the streets of a city that according to a recent investigative report, has many of the traits of a third world country.
But history must be eradicated – just ask the Nazis, ISIS, and the Taliban.
Via the San Francisco Examiner “SF to remove ‘Early Days’ statue over racist depiction of Native Americans”:
San Francisco will take down the controversial “Early Days” statue depicting Native Americans in a demeaning manner after the Arts Commission voted unanimously to have it removed Monday.
The bronze statue of three figures has sparked controversy in the past, but renewed calls for The City to take it down came after last year’s protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the removal of a monument to Confederate general Robert E. Lee.
The statue, which is part of the larger bronze and granite Pioneer Monument located between the Main Public Library and the Asian Arts Museum, depicts a Native American cowering on the ground before a mission padre and a vaquero, who tower over him.
The removal of “Early Days” was supported by the late Mayor Ed Lee, as well as by Mayor Mark Farrell and Supervisor Jane Kim, who represents the Civic Center area where it is on display.
The commission voted to remove the statute and place it into storage. It’s possible that it could one day find a home in a museum.
A memo from the Arts Commission said calls for the statue’s removal stem from “the allegorical sculpture’s depiction of the degradation and genocide of Native American peoples, utilizing visual stereotypes common at the turn of the twentieth century to depict all Native Americans which are now universally viewed as disrespectful, misleading, and racist.”
Tom DeCaigny, director of cultural affairs for the Arts Commission, called the vote “a very significant and historical moment” for San Francisco and the nation.
The Historic Preservation Commission voted Feb. 21 to allow the statue’s removal with a condition that a plaque is installed explaining why it was removed. A staff analysis found “alteration of the monument, which is identified as a small-scale character-defining feature in the district, will not affect the integrity of the Civic Center Landmark District as a whole.”
The Arts Commission estimates the cost for removal of the statue could range between $160,000 and $200,000, which includes $60,000 for 10 years of offsite storage.
Arts Commission staff said removal is expected to occur within months.
We recently reported on the NBC Bay Area report that stated that San Francisco had to allocate $30 million to cleaning up streets that were so filled with human feces, used drug needles and garbage and the continued costs of this was straining local budgets.
From the report:
An NBC Bay Area Investigation reveals a dangerous concoction of drug needles, garbage, and feces lining the streets of downtown San Francisco. The Investigative Unit surveyed more than 150 blocks, including some of the city’s top tourist destinations, and discovered conditions that are now being compared to some of the worst slums in the world.
Nice to see that the liberal zealots who run the city by the bay have their priorities in order and as long as they can carry on their anti-American ideological crusade it matters little if their city is a shithole.